
Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I find out the new registration dates?

New registration dates are determined by ÖSYM Presidency and are included in the ÖSYS Higher Education Programs and Quotas guide prepared for each year. You can also find out by entering the website of our University.


How are new enrollment procedures at our university?

Our students who will register to our university will register via e-government between the dates specified in the ÖSYS Higher Education Programs and Quotas guide. Students who are unable to register via e-government will be able to register in person by applying to the schools they have won between the dates specified in the Academic Calendar of our University.


What happens if candidate students do not register for their new university admission within the deadline?

Candidate students who do not register between the new registration dates are deemed to have given up their right to register and cannot claim any rights.


Do candidate students have to register in person?

Students who will register to our university will register via e-government between the dates determined by ÖSYM. Students who cannot register via e-government will be able to register by applying in person to the schools to which they have been acceopted on the specified dates.

Are there any other documents required for the first registration other than the documents required in the ÖSYS Guide?

Our university may request documents other than the registration documents specified by ÖSYS, and these documents are published on the website of our university.


Are there any other registration procedures after I register for the first time?

All students who are newly enrolled and registered at our university are obliged to register for courses for the fall semester and spring semester through the Student Automation system between the dates determined by the Academic Calendar for each academic year. For detailed information, please visit http://oidb.akdeniz.edu.tr/




ARTICLE 13 - (1) Courses consist of compulsory, elective, and common courses.

  1. Compulsory courses: Courses that the student is obligated to take in the program they are enrolled in.
  2. Elective courses: Courses available in the program the student is enrolled in, which are chosen by the student.

Credit value and hours of courses

ARTICLE 11 - (1) The credit for each course is specified in the curriculum.

  1. In the calculation of the national credit; theoretical courses are given credits equal to the number of weekly course hours of that course Applied courses are given credits equal to half of the weekly course hours of that course. The credit of the applied and theoretical course is obtained by summing half of the weekly application hours and the theoretical hours of that course.
  2. ECTS Credit is the number indicating how much work the relevant course requires according to the total study time required to complete an academic year full-time at any higher education institution.

(2) The duration of each course is 50 minutes for theoretical and practical courses.

When and how is the course registration done and what should I pay attention to while registering?

Registration Renewal

ARTICLE 25 - (1) Students must renew their registration at the beginning of each year/semester within the period specified in the academic calendar. In order for the student to renew his/her registration, both of the following conditions must be met.

In accordance with this Regulation, the student must enroll in the courses in the automation system and pay the contribution amount determined in accordance with Article 46 of the Law and the relevant legislation for the courses he/she has enrolled in.

Newly registered students at our faculty must select their course registrations through the OBS system at the beginning of the relevant semester and have them approved by their advisor. Intermediate grade students in course registration must first enrolled in the failed courses. Course registration must be approved by the advisor through the OBS system. In courses that require attendance, even partially overlapping courses cannot be taken. In case of a conflict, the first course to be taken is the repeated course.

Course Repeat

ARTICLE 36 - (1) Students who are absent from a course or who cannot/do not take a course in the year/semester in which they are required to take it, must take the course in the first year/semester in which it is offered again.

Students can enroll in courses they have taken and passed before in order to increase their GPA. The student must fulfill the activities of the year / semester assessment tools determined for these courses.

Students who have fulfilled the attendance requirements in the course and / or application but repeat the course due to failure must fulfill the activities of the year / semester measurement tools determined for these courses.

In repeated courses, the last grade received is valid and this last grade is used in the GPA calculation.


I could not register for my courses on time, what should I do?

Students are required to fill out the Delayed Course Registration (Add-Delete) Form from http://edebiyat.akdeniz.edu.tr/formlar/ and submit it to the department student affairs (Department Secretariat).


What happens if I do not register for a course?

Students who do not register for the semester cannot take the courses and exams that semester and cannot benefit from student rights. This period is counted from the student's education period.


How many ECTS do I have the right to choose in my course selections?

The maximum number of ECTS credits a student can take is 30 for each semester. However, the sum of the ECTS credits of all courses taken, including the courses that the student has not taken before, including the courses taken for upgrading purposes, the attendance requirement has been fulfilled in the previous semester / year or failed due to absenteeism, cannot exceed 50 ECTS credits for each semester and 40 hours per week.


How can I withdraw from a course?

Students can withdraw from a maximum of two of the semester courses they are enrolled in by filling out a written application at http://edebiyat.akdeniz.edu.tr/formlar/ until the last day of withdrawal specified in the academic calendar with the approval of the advisor and the approval of the department head.


How can I take courses from the upper semester?

Students can take courses from the upper semester if their GPA is 3.00 and above, provided that they take and pass all the courses in the lower semesters.


Is the attendance to the courses obligatory?

Students must attend classes, practices and exams. The attendance requirement is at least 70% for theoretical courses and 80% for applied courses of the total education period in that semester. Students who fail to fulfill the attendance obligation of a course for any reason, including suspension from the University with a report or disciplinary penalty, are considered unsuccessful in that course.


Is a medical report valid for my absence?

A medical report is not valid for absence.


Exemption from Courses

How can I be exempted from the courses I have previously taken from another university?

ARTICLE 19 - (1) Exemption requests are made at the first registration of the student to the University or within the fifth working day following the start of the courses. Students who do not request exemption within the deadline are responsible for all courses of the relevant semester.


Where can I get the course contents?

Students can obtain the content of the courses of each department from our faculty http://edebiyat.akdeniz.edu.tr/ogrenci-islemleri/ address.


Study Leave (Registration Freeze)

I want to take a break from my education for a while. What should I do?

If you need to take a break from your education for a period of time due to your excuse (health, economic, family, etc.), you must fill out the http://edebiyat.akdeniz.edu.tr/formlar/adresinden Study Leave Request form and apply to the Faculty of Letters Document Registration Unit together with the attached documents until the "Deadline for Study Leave Application" date determined in the Academic Calendar of our University. At least one and at most two semesters of leave can be granted at a time.  The semester of leave of absence is not counted from the education period.   During this period, students cannot benefit from student rights.






How can I deregister voluntarily?

If the student who wants to leave our faculty voluntarily fills out the Disenrollment Request Form at http://edebiyat.akdeniz.edu.tr/formlar/ and applies to the student affairs (Department Secretariat) unit of the department you are registered in, the deregistration process will take place.


Exams and announcement of results

ARTICLE 30 - (1) Exams consist of short-term exam, mid-term exam, year/semester-end exam, single course exam, make-up exam, exemption exam and year/semester-end second exam. Exam dates are announced on our faculty's website http://edebiyat.akdeniz.edu.tr/. Exam results are entered into the OBS system by the instructors conducting the course. The student sees the exam grades entered in their OBS system.


Do I have the right to object to the exam results?

Students can object to the exam results in terms of material error by filling out the Exam Grade Reevaluation Form at http://edebiyat.akdeniz.edu.tr/formlar/ and submitting it to the relevant department student affairs (Department Secretariat) within three working days from the announcement.


In which cases can I use my excuse exam right?

The student has health-related excuses documented by a medical report from health institutions,

Death of first-degree relatives/spouse, sibling or their severe illness,

In case of detention during the dates covering the exams, provided that no absences are missed during this period,

Being on duty in accordance with the third paragraph of Article 29 of the Regulation,

Conflicting exams on the same day and time and the conflict cannot be resolved despite the student's written application before the relevant exam period starts,

The emergence of other reasons that the relevant board of directors may accept as valid.


I could not take the midterm exam, what should I do?

Students who cannot take the midterm and final exams apply in writing with a petition and document to the relevant department student affairs (Department Secretariat) unit within 5 working days at the latest from the end of the excuse period for the exams they cannot take by filling out the Excuse Exam Application Form at http://edebiyat.akdeniz.edu.tr/formlar/. The petitions are examined by the commission formed in the Department and reported to the Dean's Office. Students whose excuses are accepted use their exam rights between the dates determined by the department. A second excuse exam right is not given for excuse exams.

I could not enter the end of the semester, what should I do?

Second exam at the end of the year / semester (*)

Article 13 - (1) Second year/semester-end exam: It is the make-up exam right granted instead of the year/end-of-semester exam for each course to the students who failed in the year/end-of-semester exam among the students who have the right to take the year/end-of-semester exam of the course(s) they have taken in the relevant semester or year, and to the students who did not take the year/end-of-semester exam although they met the conditions for taking the exam or who want to improve their grade. The success grade of the second year/end-of-semester exam is evaluated with the evaluation format of the course branch in which the student is enrolled in the active period for the relevant course.


(2) Students who meet the conditions to take the year/end-of-semester second exam but do not apply cannot benefit from the right to take the year/end-of-semester second exam. The grade obtained by the student who applies for the year/semester-end second exam and meets the conditions for taking the exam is valid as the final grade. In case he/she does not take the exam, his/her final grade is evaluated as did not take the exam (failed).


How is the success grade calculated?

ARTICLE 34 - (1) The success status of students is monitored by the GPA calculated for all courses except for the courses taken for personal development. Other principles regarding the success status are as follows:

  1. a) GPA is calculated by dividing the sum of the numbers found by multiplying the success coefficients corresponding to each of the letter grades obtained from the relevant courses according to the fourth paragraph of Article 32 of this Regulation by the ECTS credits of that course by the total ECTS credits of the same courses.

Graduation Stage;

DC letter grades of students with a GPA of 2.25 and above,

For students with a GPA of 2.50 and above, DD letter grades are considered conditionally successful and graduated.


What is Success/Failure Status?

ARTICLE 35 - (1) The success/failure status of the student is determined by calculating the GPA at the end of each year/semester. A student with a GPA of 2.00 and above is successful. Students whose GPA falls below 2.00 are unsuccessful, and students in this situation are warned of academic inadequacy. Students whose GPA falls below 1.80 are applied according to the provisions and regulations of the relevant legislation.


The academic deficiency warning is removed for students who raise their GPA to 2.00 or above.


The time spent in academic deficiency is counted from the education period specified in the first paragraph of Article 10 of this Regulation.


How can I take the Single Course Exam?

Students who have fulfilled the attendance and / or application requirements for their graduation apply through the application link on the web page of our faculty. The date and time of the single course exam is determined by the Faculty Administrative Board at the end of each semester.



Who can transfer and when?

With the General Weighted Grade Point Average (GPA), transfer to the preparatory class of associate and undergraduate diploma programs, the first semester and the last semester of associate diploma programs, the first two semesters and the last two semesters of undergraduate diploma programs cannot be made.


When are the Transfer Application Dates?

Transfer Applications and Registrations are made according to the dates determined in the Academic Calendar of our University for Fall and Spring Semesters in each academic year.

For the Fall Semester; Applications for associate and undergraduate diploma programs are made online within the scope of the announcement made by the Student Affairs Department of our University with the General Weighted Grade Point Average and Central Placement Score (Additional Article 1).

For the Spring Semester; Students will not be admitted to undergraduate programs with Central Placement Score (Additional Article 1) and General Weighted Grade Point Average; Students who will apply to associate degree programs apply online within the scope of the announcement made by the Student Affairs Department of our University. For detailed information, please visit http://oidb.akdeniz.edu.tr/.


Is it possible to transfer to Akdeniz University from another university in Turkey?

  1. a) Candidates who will apply for transfer from a higher education institution in Turkey to the Associate and Undergraduate diploma programs of our University with a general weighted grade point average must have a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 and no failed courses in the program they are enrolled in. For detailed information, http://oidb.akdeniz.edu.tr/adresinden can be reached.


Is it possible to transfer to Akdeniz University from a university abroad?

Candidates who will apply for transfer from a higher education institution abroad to our University's Associate's and Undergraduate diploma programs with a general weighted grade point average must have a GPA of at least 3.00 out of 4.00 and must not have any failed courses. For detailed information, please visit http://oidb.akdeniz.edu.tr/.


How can I do a double major and minor?

ARTICLE 42 - (1) Double major programs can be opened between associate degree diploma programs and other associate degree programs with similar fields of science, between undergraduate programs and other undergraduate programs or associate degree programs with the approval of the Senate upon the proposal of the relevant boards and are carried out according to the principles adopted by the Senate.


Minor programs

ARTICLE 43 - (1) Minor programs are certificate-oriented education and training programs that enable a student who is successfully completing his/her undergraduate education to receive limited education in order to gain knowledge in a second undergraduate program at the same time. These programs are carried out according to the principles accepted by the Senate. For detailed information, you can follow http://edebiyat.akdeniz.edu.tr/.


Erasmus-Mevlana-Farabi Exchange Programs

Students can study for one or two semesters in other higher education institutions in accordance with the agreements and protocols made between the University and other higher education institutions abroad or in Turkey. For detailed information, please visit the website of the "International Relations" office (http://uio.akdeniz.edu.tr/tr).



What are the working hours of the student affairs offices of our faculty?

Department Student Affairs offices (Department Secretariats) of our faculty serve between 08.30-17.15 on weekdays.


How can I get documents such as Student Certificate, Transcript etc.?

Whichever document you want to get from the Student Information System (OBS) system, you can get it via e-government or from the Department Student Affairs offices (Department Secretariats) of our faculty.


I cannot remember my Student Information System (OBS) password, what should I do?

Students who have forgotten/lost their password to OBS will be sent a new password to their e-mail addresses registered in the system if they click the "forgot password" button on the screen at https://obs.akdeniz.edu.tr/oibs/ogrenci/ and answer the questions that come up. Students who do not have an e-mail address in the system are required to personally apply to the department student affairs (Department Secretariats) unit of our Faculty with their student ID cards and get a new password.


What should I do to get the e-durom password used at our university?

You can get your user and password from http://ekampus.akdeniz.edu.tr/hesap/sifre.aspx.


What is the Academic Calendar and where can I access it?

The Academic Calendar is a scheduling guide that the student will use for an academic year. It is determined by the Academic Board for each academic year and published on the University website. Registration and exam periods and important application dates are specified in the Academic Calendar. It is mandatory for our students to follow the calendar, especially in matters such as course selection, etc.

You can access the Academic Calendar at http://oidb.akdeniz.edu.tr/akademik-takvim/


What is the education period?

ARTICLE 10 - (1) The normal education period of the diploma programs determined by Article 44 of the Law is a maximum of four years for associate degree programs with a two-year education period, a maximum of seven years for undergraduate programs with a four-year education period, a maximum of eight years for undergraduate programs with a five-year education period, and a maximum of nine years for undergraduate programs with a six-year education period, starting from the first semester of the courses related to the diploma program, excluding the one-year foreign language preparatory class, regardless of whether they are registered for each semester. Preparatory education period is maximum two years.

(2) Those who cannot graduate within the above-mentioned periods can register to continue their education provided that they pay the student contribution amount for the relevant semester according to the conditions specified in Article 46 of the Law. Students are not dismissed due to non-payment of the contribution or tuition fee and non-renewal of registration within the maximum periods. However, with the decision of the Senate and the approval of the Council of Higher Education, students may be dismissed due to non-payment of the contribution or tuition fee and non-renewal of registration for four consecutive years.


What is Student Counseling? How can I find out about my advisor?

Each student is assigned an academic staff member assigned by the relevant board of directors upon the recommendation of the relevant sub-board as an advisor to ensure that they follow an academic program in accordance with the Regulation. The advisor guides the students assigned to his/her responsibility in solving their educational and administrative problems and carries out his/her duties within the framework of the principles determined by the Akdeniz University Associate and Undergraduate Student Advisory Directive. You can find out who your advisor is from the Student Information System (OBS).

In which departments of your faculty is the foreign language preparatory program compulsory?

In our faculty, English Language and Literature Department offers English Preparatory Education, German Language and Literature Department offers German Preparatory Education and Russian Language and Literature Department offers Russian Preparatory Education.


I lost my ID card, how can I get a new one?

Students who are fully enrolled at the University are given an electronic identity card with a photo. If a student who has lost his/her ID card applies in writing to the Registrar's Office, he/she will be given a new ID card valid for the same semester.


How can I do my military service?

Military service procedures are carried out by the Student Affairs Department. Students who have any problems related to military service can solve them through your Department of Student Affairs (Department Secretariat).


For which courses are exemption exams valid?

The relevant units may open exemption exams for the courses determined by the Senate. Those who are successful in the exemption exam are exempted from these courses voluntarily. At our university, exemption exams are opened for English I- II and Basic Information Technologies courses.


I am at the graduation stage, what can I do?

You do not need to do anything. The graduation process is initiated by the department student affairs (Department Secretariat). The Department of Library (Books, etc.) and the Department of Health, Culture and Sports (Contribution or tuition fee) are checked and submitted to the advisor for approval and after the advisor's approval, your graduation process is completed.


Department of Health, Culture and Sports

Students can participate in extracurricular activities by becoming a member of sports and cultural communities for the health treatment of our students and the evaluation of extracurricular activities of our students. It is also an administrative unit that ensures that our students benefit in the best way possible, such as nutrition, scholarships, part-time work and protection of the physical and mental health of our students. For detailed information, please visit http://sks.akdeniz.edu.tr/tr.


Department of Library and Documentation

It is an administrative unit that meets the needs of our university students such as books, publications, etc. For detailed information, please visit http://kutuphane.akdeniz.edu.tr/.


What are the disciplinary rules I have to follow as a student?

The disciplinary rules that our students must comply with are carried out according to the provisions of the Student Discipline Regulation of Higher Education Institutions.


Where can I get information about master's degree applications?

For your questions about master's degree applications and quotas, you should contact the Institute of Social Sciences and the Mediterranean Civilizations Research Institute. For detailed information, please visit http://sosyalbilim.akdeniz.edu.tr/ or http://akdenizarastirmalari.akdeniz.edu.tr/

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Son güncelleme : 13.05.2024 10:51:39